Seasonal Festivals
"Winter, spring, summer, fall, we journey through them all."
The seasons carry us and each embrace us with their particular hue of natural rhythm. With each seasonal event, we take time to prepare and to anticipate. Then the day of celebration brings nourishment for soul and body, creating a deeper relationship to that time of the year as well as an increased sense of community.
These seasonal events are celebrated with the entire Prairie Flower community; the calendar has details of the times and locations.
These seasonal events are celebrated with the entire Prairie Flower community; the calendar has details of the times and locations.
Harvest Fest
With Harvest Fest, we celebrate the beginning of a new school year, the coming together of a growing school community, and the coming of autumn. This event is centered on a potluck, and is typically held in the first month of the schoolyear.
In the fall, Prairie Flower also has a long tradition of having the preschool children take a field trip to Berry Patch Farm. Parents/caregivers come along, and enjoy a walk to the pumpkin patch to pick pumpkins together. |
Winter Faire
This event is a fundraiser, and is open and promoted to the entire Ames area community. Families make and donate and/or secure donations -- from local businesses, friends/family, etc. -- of handmade goods and baked goods to sell at the event. Popular items in the past have included water bottle slings, foraging pouches, knitted hats, art supply kids, painted wooden blocks, seasonal decorations, Waldorf-style dolls or gnome babies, gift baskets, and baked goods. Prairie Flower also typically provides snacks, and stories/activities for kids.
Warm Hearts Festival
This festival encourages preschool/kindergarten and PoemTree families and teachers to gather in friendship in the dark, cold month of February, and take note of the coming warmth. It begins in the cold outdoors with a hike together and celebrations of gratitude, and concludes in the coziness of our own Prairie Flower spaces with a potluck and a short play by the preschool children.
May Fest